A Holiday For The Whole Family
March 3, 2020
4 Amazing Western Cape Spots to visit with Wood-Fired Hot Tubs
February 21, 2023

Relax, Unwind and Reset in Our KolKol Bath

We all need to reset, relax and rejuvenate. Whether it means taking the time to read your favourite book, mediate in nature or simply enjoy the company of your favourite person – taking time for yourself should always be a priority. 

And what better way to enjoy any of those activities than in a hot tub? Allowing the warm water to wash over you, comfort you and help body and mind relax. 

That’s why we are so excited to announce that Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa is now home to a beautiful KolKol wood-fired hot tub! 

So, what makes the KolKol hot tub better than your average, run-of-the-mill hot tub? Well, it’s not only beautiful to look at, but it also uses zero electricity and heats up way faster than traditional hot tubs. So not only is it wonderful to use, it’s helping the environment, too. 

Our KolKol bath is situated on a wooden deck, nestled in our beautiful gardens so that you can enjoy a relaxing time whilst feeling truly tranquil. 

We chatted with Daniel Louw, Facilities Manager at Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa to tell us a little bit more about the KolKol bath. 

1. When did you install the Kol Kol bath at Pezula? 

The bath was installed in September 2019 and has been a hit with guests so far. 

2. Why did you decide to install a Kol Kol bath at Pezula? 

At Pezula, it’s impossible not to notice the beautiful views, both over the valley outwards to the lagoon or towards the ocean in the distance. And with all our rooms being suites, you can’t help to notice the space inside and outside your suite to unwind in. 

To tie into that, we thought to add to the experience and outside our designated SPA suites install the wood-fired Kol Kol bath. 

Overlooking the ocean in the distance, it is nestled against the hillside in a small deck purposefully built to only allow space for a couple at a time. This naturally adds to the secluded romantic feel of the beautiful KolKol bath. 

3. What has the response been from the guests regarding the Kol Kol bath so far? 

The guests love the close to nature experience! Sitting back and relaxing and soaking it all in. In essence, it is like bathing next to your campfire, and combining the two creates a memorable experience; the birds calling as they settle in for the sunset, and the sound of our water feature waterfall in the background. Add a glass of bubbly to this experience and you’re in for a real treat! 

4. Do guests have to set up the KolKol bath themselves? 

We do the initial set up and guests are encouraged to add small logs to the fire at their own leisure during the experience.  

5. Besides it not using electricity, are there other ways in which the  KolKol bath is environmentally friendly? 

The bath drains into our pond water network, which is filtered by a diversity of water plants en route through the system.

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