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Meet Our Baboons: Pezula’s Wild and Wonderful Visitors

Nestled in the beautiful natural flora and fauna of Knysna’s Eastern Head lies Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa. Considering its location, the estate is no stranger to playing host to mammals other than humans from time to time!

Baboons are popular in the area, and two baboons in particular seems to have taken a liking to Pezula, as they have almost become locals; making Pezula Estate their venue of choice! And honestly, who can blame them?

Pezula Golf Estate Manager, JJ, is known as Pezula’s ‘baboon whisperer’. He is comfortable interacting with the baboons, and has even given these ‘guests’ names!

We decided to find out a little bit more about these wonderful – albeit wild – guests at Pezula.

The first guest is Ms Sparrebosch. Ms Sparrebosch is known as the beauty queen of the estate. She’s gorgeous; and she knows it!

Ms Sparrebosch can often be spotted lounging about the estate, and especially has a liking for lounging on the golf course (naturally, that’s where she’ll have the biggest audience!).

So please, if you do happen to spot the incomparable Ms Sparrebosch lounging about the estate or on the golf course, do take a moment to snap a picture (she won’t charge you – she believes any publicity is good publicity, n’est-ce pas?). You are also more than welcome to add the picture on social media and tag Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa – Ms Sparrebosch would appreciate it!

While Ms Sparrebosch is undeniably the Queen of Pezula, her partner (or, perhaps platonic friend) Bobby is the confident, macho, Alpha male.

Bobby is not shy about is Alpha male status (as most Alpha males aren’t…) and he will try and show you that he is the Alpha at any chance he gets.

It’s all about respect with Bobby: if, for some or other reason, you should find yourself in a confrontational situation with Bobby, the best would be to try and stand your ground – but don’t challenge him. On the other hand, if you run away, it’s almost certain that Bobby will chase you – because what Alpha doesn’t love the thrill of the chase?

However, JJ says that if you just stand your ground, he will more than likely just turn around and walk away. No thrill? No thanks.


A wave hello from one of our ‘locals’

While Ms Sparrebosch and Bobby are the two local guests, their troop is actually considerably bigger.

According to JJ, the entire baboon troop consists of about 130 baboons. Babies are born constantly, but unfortunately, only around 40% of them survive. This is because when an Alpha is kicked out of the troop, the new Alpha kills all the infants and reproduces to ensure his own bloodline’s survival.

Harsh, but that’s nature for you.

Now, while these animals may be pretty to look at and admire (from a distance), it’s important to remember that they are wild animals, and that us as humans should respect them.

JJ has given us some tips on how to react when you come across a baboon (or two, or three…) while visiting Pezula.


How to react & manage baboons:

  • Stay calm
  • Do not feed them
  • Keep doors locked when you are not in the Suite
  • Keep pantries locked
  • Remember, they are not aggressive, but they are looking for food
  • Do not confront or antagonize them, talk to them sternly
  • If you run, they will chase you – walk away calmly


Our behaviour and baboons: How can we help to manage baboons?

There are a few simple things we can do to reduce the attractiveness of our properties to baboons. These strategies involve removing (or rendering inaccessible) the things that attract baboons to our properties in the first place:

  • Food – Keep fruit or any other food out of sight from windows and glass doors.
  • Garbage – Keep rubbish secured in a baboon proof bin or stored in the garage until collection day.
  • Fruit trees – Vegetable gardens and fruit trees are all attractive to baboons.
  • Feeding them – Don’t feed them.

Apart from the above:

  • Don’t leave pet food outside during day time.
  • Keep fruit or any other food out of sight from windows and glass doors.
  • Keep windows and doors closed.
  • Secure those openings so that baboons cannot enter.
  • Partake and co-operate with baboon monitors and neighbours to discourage baboons collectively.

What to do when they are in your garden and Suite at Pezula

  • Remain calm and contact JJ on 083 444 3385
  • Remain calm and relaxed whenever in close proximity to baboons.



Everyone enjoys the green at Pezula

This actually applies to all animals. Baboons are far better at reading body language than we are, and if we come across as threatening, they will become nervous and unpredictable and may be more likely to become aggressive.

This is of course easier said than done, as it is obviously not easy to remain calm when you encounter a baboon in your house or car! But it is really important to do so. At the very least, when confronted by a baboon, lower your eyes and look at the ground in front of you. This will be less threatening to the baboon than staring directly at it.

Do not feed baboons

One of the biggest problems with the human-baboon interface is that baboons have learned that humans often carry food – and that this food is both easy to acquire and usually quite satisfying!

The result of this is that baboons now associate humans with an easy meal. Whenever possible, we must avoid reinforcing this. Every time a baboon is successful at getting food from a human, it just exacerbates the problem.

Thus, your first reaction upon seeing a baboon should be to hide your food and prevent the baboon(s) from seeing it or accessing it.

On the other hand, sometimes it is too late to do the right thing and you must simply minimize conflict. If a fearless baboon encounters you carrying food, he may try to take it away from you. In this case, it is probably best to simply let him have it.

Do not tease baboons

Some people like dangling food in front of a baboon. This is very dangerous. Do not deliberately provoke a wild animal? While baboons may look cute, they are not domesticated like dogs, and they will likely not respond well to food being hung just out of reach. Bottom line: this is a recipe for disaster.

Let the baboon have the bag

Many baboons have learned that backpacks and other bags contain food, and that humans will drop those bags at the least provocation, yielding a bounty for the baboon provocateur. If drive or walk around the estate and golf course area try not to bring any bags with you. If you bring a camera, carry it separately so that baboons will see that it is a camera and not food.

And if a baboon tries to physically take a bag from you, do not try to take it back as this is very likely to lead to aggression. Let the baboon have the bag! The baboon will eventually get bored with it – even more quickly if there is no food inside – and you can then go pick it up.

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